2023-08-03 | VR tech of Korea

article written on 2023-08-03

Finally, I and Jinhee met Biagio Bratolli, our great work colleague at Lunit (although I left 3 months ago for my next life plans). We were looking forward to meet Biagio for long as he was working remotely from Germany (https://medium.com/lunit/fully-remote-research-scientist-at-lunit-a-1-year-review-38a8841015d2). Everyone was curious if Biagio was real and not a computer-generated video (because we could only interact through Google Hangout). Moreover, nobody had never seen him standing up, which generates rumors that he may not have legs in fact.

Finally, I and Jinhee met Biagio Bratolli, our great work colleague at Lunit (although I left 3 months ago for my next life plans). We were looking forward to meet Biagio for long as he was working remotely from Germany (https://medium.com/lunit/fully-remote-research-scientist-at-lunit-a-1-year-review-38a8841015d2). Everyone was curious if Biagio was real and not a computer-generated video (because we could only interact through Google Hangout). Moreover, nobody had never seen him standing up, which generates rumors that he may not have legs in fact.

However, today, all rumors were resolved as he arrived South Korea! We decided to introduce the high-tech VR technology of Korea to our Italian friend. Therefore, we went to play 'Friends Screen', which is a golf simulation in vogue in Korea recently. There was no barrier in playing sports together as soon as we met. We became best friends while criticizing each country's politics. What a good hangout it was.


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